Friday, October 7, 2011

Windows 8 -Linux dual boot(Wubi)

Windows 8 has a new feature that prevents new entries to the boot image, etc. Fortunatly there is a way around this.
1. download and install win8
2. downlaod and install easyBCD INSIDE win8
4. Downlaod the Wubi.exe file inside win8, run
5. Open EasyBCD and make your newfound (x)ubuntu the "default OS"
6. Reboot, select (x)ubuntu
7. this will complete your linux install
8. reboot and choose win8
9. enjoy!


  1. does this still work with win 8 final version? thanks

  2. I do beleive so, but Linux Devs have found other ways around this to

  3. benimki win8 ubuntu yükleyemiyorum wubildr.mbr hatası veriyor
